Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2006-12-25 - 9:15 p.m.

And to all a good night.

A very pleasant Christmas. I was afraid I'd keep the boys waiting in the morning, so I hopped out of bed promptly around 6. Came downstairs to things dark and quiet. The man had turned on the lights on the tree and the little tree in kitchen but not much else. I settled in the living room for a little tree gazing. Decided that was too darn boring and turned on the Christmas music. Much better.

Slightly later we started turning on a few lights and we let the dog loose - he scoped out his rawhide in seconds. The boy slept in until 7:30 or so. By then we had all the lights blazing and were talking and laughing rather more loudly than before.

Presents were lovely. The boy loved the things from his list and looked askance at the other things. The suprise favorite was a random computer game I found that just sort of looked fun. The big loser was the dictonary I bought him (not too suprising there). One thing he got is the Nintendogs game. Mildly ironic in that now, like us, he has something that doesn't listen to him when he calls.

Hubs did splendidly by me. I got the new bath towels and rugs I requested as well as the books and other things from my list. And on top of all that he got me a digital camera of my own. Once I figure out how to use it (lots more buttons than his) I'll be all set.

After presies I took a nap. Heavenly. Then after a bit of puttering in the kitchen to prep food for the family gathering, the in-laws stopped by. We all got to see the huge present hubs got for them to give the boy. One of those gamer's chairs. I'm not sure how it will fit in the play room.

Dinner was at sil's and featured an astonishing amount of excess. For 12 people a turkey, a ham, stuffing, sweet potatoes, macaroni & cheese, bean casserole, cole slaw, cranberry sauce and bread. That's without appetisers (cheese & crackers, shrimp and chex mix) or desert (pie, cake and cookies). It was all delicious. I'm stuffed and now my fridge is stuffed with leftovers too.

Home again. We are in our customary places - boy in the playroom with the tv, hubs in the basement with his tv and me here typing. Thank goodness for another glorious day off tomorrow!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen