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2006-12-20 - 5:44 p.m.

Indulging my inner dork and other stories.

It's probably dorky, but I love the little animated headers on the Yahoo page. First they had the dancing gingerbread man, now it's an ice skating penguin. I kind of hope they have another one this holiday.

I'm feeling sad because I didn't stop last week (or was it the one before?) for the accident on the main road near our street. Turns out it was my 17 year old neighbor taking her twin siblings (my boy's age) to the babysitter and heading to school. It was foggy and she totally creamed a little compact that was backing out of their driveway. No one was hurt but I bet she could have used some moral support or at least someone to get the twins to the babysitter. The end of the driveway neighbors stopped so she wasn't alone but I feel bad for driving right past.

The fog has been a pain for the last couple weeks. I think the cold will end it for good, but it was making the morning trip to the gym rather special. Hard enough to see in the dark, then add fog and for a little variety put in a couple stupidly dressed joggers. What is it with these numnuts? They never wear things to be seen. One in the fog last week was wearing a grey sweatsuit. Way to go Darwin! The only thing I generally see is the tiny little reflective thing on the heels of their shoes. I'm tempted to go to a sporting goods store and drop some cash on those reflective pennies they sell. Then I could slow down or stop and hand the people one with the message to do us both a favor and wear it.

I have a day off tomorrow (yeah!). The boy has an event in his class. My ailing server crapped out today, so I'm hoping against hope that it will behave tomorrow. It has a tendancy to notice when I'm gone just so it can cause trouble.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen