Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2006-09-09 - 12:12 p.m.

I guess I owe you a long one.

Bless me oh internet for I have been slack, it has been 10 days since I've updated.

I'm tempted to use that quote from the Princess Bride about summing up but I'll fight the urge. It's not that I haven't had things to write about I just haven't put fingers to keyboard and done anything about it. I'm not in a good headspace right now. Too much stress. I'm not particularly unhappy or anything just not good. I realized it the other day when I caught myself repeating some obsessive behaviors. Yep not good.

So what have I been up to... Going to the gym. I had my orientation there and it was full of much angst and not much info. They had no one to lead it as the person they'd assigned had quit and no one bothered to cover his appointments. I made angry noises at the membership desk and the trainer from my last story did the orientation. I like him less and less. What we weren't shown far outweighs what we were, but I got enough info to get started so I did.

I went to the shore for Labor day and labored mightily. First I got to drive in the huricane remains through beastly traffic. Then I got to help the inlaws clean said storm out of the pool and off the paved surfaces around the house. The boys and I played a game and the little boy and I swam with grandma after the pool was finally clean.

The boy is starting to get those hormonal shots across the bow. He has been talking back and not listening rather more frequently than before. Then he told me he got in trouble at school for yelling at the teacher. Nothing from the teacher about it, so I didn't punish him. I did have to change my philosophy, though. Now I have to go far harder on the small infractions so he gets the picture of what the big infractions will bring.

Since we came home work has been challenging and not from a task point of view. Quite simply my boss is getting out of control. Wednesday this resulted in him screaming at me while I tried and failed to take care of something someone else missed for the weekend conversion. Luckily one of my co-workers is so totally amazing that she convinced the vendor that they screwed up and should have known that we needed what we hadn't asked for. In an hour it was fixed but I was a wreak.

Fast forward to yesterday when at a fairly early hour he lost it all over the temp we have as our admin. She was reasonable and professional and all he could do was scream "just do what I tell you". Then he stormed into his office and called HR to have her fired. A couple of us headed that off at the pass by going over his head and speaking with his boss. I am now in fear of how he will treat me when he finds out I did that, because I know he will find out. And he will be pissed. Probably time to polish the resume.

To add insult to injury they've blocked photo sites at work. No grouse pics, no flicker boxes, nothing hosted on a photo site. Annoying.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen