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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2006-08-30 - 10:48 a.m.

In the Dark.

Last night we lost power at around 7. No bum weather, no winds, no drama it just blinked out. I had been about to put a pan of brownies in to bake for family dinner night, which I guess is infinitely better than if they'd been half baked.

I called the power company right away and basically got bitched out by the representative. I hadn't gone out to check the neighborhood so when she asked I told her that I didn't know if all the power was out. She said that no one else had called so it must just be my house. I had to go through the motions of throwing the main power breaker for the house. Then I got the lecture that they would charge me $80 to come check the power but anything inside the house was my responsibility. Witch.

So I told the boy I was going to check outside and off I went. Sure enough everyone's power was out. My neighbor was coming home while I was out there, so we chatted for a bit. When I got back to the house I found the boy sobbing in the dark. He hadn't been paying attention when I said I was going outside. He thought I was still downstairs and that something had happened to me. Not that he went down there to check - it was damn dark in the basement. So I comforted the boy and lit some candles.

Hubs got home then the boy wanted to go outside where it was lighter. So the family unit repaired to the back yard where the bugs ate me alive. After 10 minutes or so, the boy comes up with an alternate plan to go shopping. He and hubs went and I stayed home hoping to resume the brownie baking.

No dice. Power ended up being out for about 4 hours. After they got back all we ended up doing was going to bed in the dark and hot.

The boy was really wigged out from the whole thing. Partly because I left him, partly because he just couldn't cope with no power. He's always on the electronics and just had no clue what to do with himself in the darkened house. He got a bedtime story by flashlight instead of tv, though so I kind of liked the outcome.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen