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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2006-05-23 - 3:13 p.m.

The weekend and other stuff.

I went out to one of my favorite SCA events this past weekend. There was, of course, minor psychic trauma involved in getting there, but it was worth it.

I guess I should start at Friday which was an inlaws command performance. I did dinner for 8 despite having worked a normal day. I left work a smidgeon early, claimed my veggies and headed home. I was there for maybe 10 minutes when SIL, niece and SIL's boyfriend showed up. SIL was extremely nervous (her mom isn't always so nice to her) see reference to boyfriend - as in new boyfriend.

We drank a bit, which helped. I cooked one of my standards which wasn't too bad and the only issues were way too much rice and not very many rolls. MIL was well behaved, boyfriend was very quiet and there was chocolate cake for desert.

Saturday was busy. I reserved for the event ahead of time and put it on the calendar. There was still a bit of conflict. First the man decided to sign up for the flea market, which is fine except he then wants my car and that leaves me to tend the boy. I immediately said fine, but you can't have my car I need it. He said I could just drop him off which boggles because he forgot about the part where he has to get home again. He decided he could pack it all in his car. That just adds the boy to my day, no biggie. Then I realized that he would not be too happy with the timeline of the event which involves a pig roast that doesn't serve until fairly late. In the end we offered the boy a choice event or be dropped at the flea market when I left for the event. He chose the later.

The second trauma was for something to wear. Dear heavens, I need to do some sewing. I have so few items that are even remotely acceptable to wear. In the end I took a droopy dress with horrible grommets down the front, cut off the grommets and sewed the front. The top isn't quite even, but it worked well enough for the day.

The event was a delight. Time flew in the best way. I played bocce with some of my favorite ladies, chatted with many folks, watched a nice court, mingled and ate a fabulous bit of pig. Afterward I listend to two of my favorite people play guitar. In the past I had such crushes on these wonderful men, and was suprised to find that perhaps I still do. They played and sang and you can just call me number one groupie because that's what I was.

Sunday started nicely with a movie with my boys. It was a fun flick and I was pretty content with life. The forecast rain even held off so I decided to take my fateful walk. Ouchies. I spent the rest of the evening sitting with my foot up.

Yesterday was iffy, but today I'm actually doing a good bit better. The twisted ankle is much improved, though the bruised and battered other calf is still really sore. The worst part of it all is that I really want to exercise, but can't. Darn, darn, darn. Definitely not helping the Deb reduction program at all.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen