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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2006-05-01 - 3:27 p.m.

Heartbreaking Reality

Last night was Skate Night. The fifth grade at the boy's school raises money by charging a nominal fee and hosting a private skate party. One of those win/win situations where the facility gets all the skate rental and snack bar cash and the kids really like enjoy themselves while the class makes some cash. So we trundled off, donned our skates and hit the floor.

All I have to say is that age and weight have not been so nice to me. In my youth I hit the roller rink every single week. I skated endlessly. I wasn't one to mix and mingle in the snack bar, I was there to skate and skate I did. In the intervening 25 years I've been out briefly in my 20's when my niece too lessons and that's about it.

Friends it wasn't pretty.

I was really unsteady. It got a little better as the time wore on, but I really could only go around once before I'd start to lose it. Knees, thighs, calves they were all complaining. I never fell but that's probably because I took many long breaks. It was pretty heartbreaking. At one point this was my favorite thing and now...

The boy is a rank beginner, so I expected some hesitation. He was a wall crawler all night. He took mincing little skate steps and hardly ventured off the wall. He did a bit of mingling with his friend but really seemed happiest eating ice cream in the snack bar. Hubs, however, was a skating machine. He wasn't great at it but he kept going, round and round and round. I think he only fell once but he was leaving the rink and coming toward me so maybe he was distracted. By the end of the session he was really sweating.

Me, I didn't get a workout but I survived intact which really is the primary goal. Right?

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen