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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2006-04-17 - 12:28 p.m.

Easter Assortment.

Apparently I can not take a day off from work without everything going all to hell. Friday I got 2 help desk tickets and no less than 6 emails in the hour or so that I went to the store after dropping the boy at this playdate. Mind you while I'm here everything runs fine and I do nothing. The minute I leave things break and no one else seems to be able to find a clue. Friday it wasn't even a problem with my system, the balance file never got sent so it wouldn't process transactions. Sigh.

Friday was a strange melange of errands and chores. I picked up a couple items I'd been wanting to get. I chauffered the boy to a play date. I treated the boy to fast food and he helped with the grocery shopping. I got fewer things done than I wanted to, but that always seems to be the case.

Friday night the boy and I dyed easter eggs together. It was a pretty good time. He got down to the last 2 eggs before he tipped a color over so that was good. Also good was the plastic table cloth covered in newspapers so we didn't dye all of creation when it went over.

Saturday was chore day. I worked my butt off. It was all the chores you only do before the guests show up, plus a couple of chores that circumstances caused. I had to spot clean the carpet, for instance. A fourteen year old dog is not a very tidy creature. I had to sweep too due to the amount of crap he drags in on his fur. Plus I had to hang the blinds I'd ordered to replace the broken one in my room. They turned out to be not at all what I expected and they required me to redo all the hardware in order to hang them.

At the end of the day I was left with the one ambitious project I wanted to do for the holiday dinner. I decided to do one gonzo food item. I made edible chocolate cups which I filled with mousse. They weren't as hard as I thought they'd be and they looked really impressive.

At last all that was left was hiding eggs and filling the boy's basket. I carefully hid non-chocolate filled eggs at dog nose level but the husband didn't know that so he boxed the pooch in the crate for the night. In the morning I was just contemplating rising when the boy got up, so it was time for the grand hunt.

The boy figured out that mom hides the eggs. Of course I'm not sure if he knew that before or if some of the husbands ill considered statements gave it away. The funniest part of the morning was when he said he liked everything in his basket before he even noticed the game propped up in the back. There was a paper in front of it telling him how many eggs were hidden and it never registered that there was more to see. We kept hinting but until he picked up the basket and it fell over, he never noticed it.

The rest of the morning went very smoothly and I'm happy to say that the only bump in the road entertaining-wise was having my nephew's family bring appetisers because they arrived so much later than everyone else. It was good to chat, good to laugh and there was lots of yummy food. Which to me, is what it's all about.

We ate early so all the clean up got done as well. The china was put away this morning and all that's left is washing the table cloths. Of course the leftovers will be with us for a while, but that's not such a bad thing.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen