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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2006-01-01 - 7:50 p.m.

Fifty Degrees.

Definite warming trend around here. It inspired me to get out and take care of a couple outdoor tasks. First I walked most of the dead trees down from their leaning perches. It has bothered me to look out the back windows for at least 2 years with all the dead and leaning trees. The tree service guy was adamant that I could get them down myself and he was right. I got all but 2 of them. One was too heavy and one I just somehow missed.

After that I took down the Christmas lights. While I hate to see them go, I'm not so sentimental that I won't take advantage of the mild weather. Who knows by next week we could be in a freeze with a wind chill that makes me question whether this is a temperate zone.

Then I raked the leaves that gathered on the front steps. One bag's worth that will sit until spring when they'll collect them again.

Finally I decided it was too nice to waste and went for a walk by the river. It was pleasant if bleak looking. I don't think I've been down there in the winter before. I realized I haven't done any distance walking since Las Vegas. I felt it too. All in all, though, very pleasant.

Then for dinner I made a new recipe from my new cookbook. It was pretty tasty. I was worried because the hot pepper I got for it was hot enough to give me a chemical burn on my lips when I tasted a shard for heat value. Mostly I just think you have to be very prepared or very familiar with the recipe to put it together on the timeline given in the book. Still, it's a keeper.

Now time to mellow out. Hubs has already put in a bid for sleep early or minimally on time. I think in light of the exercise, I can go along with that.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen