Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-12-26 - 11:10 a.m.

A lot like a weekend.

The long awaited day has come and gone. We are now enjoying the lazy part of the holiday weekend. The boy is enjoying a new gamecube game and the man is off to see Kong. Me, I'm tied to the vast piles of laundry that didn't do themselves while we were otherwise engaged.

I had no big obligations this holiday, no parties at my house, no extra guests or presents or suprises. It was somewhere between lowkey and snoozing. The were good things and amusing things too and the only bad thing was pain induced insomnia.

Good things: Everyone got their presents, the family gatherings were pleasant, the timing worked out and having my in-laws show up at 7am and have breakfast with us wasn't painful at all. Especially welcome and needed was the mid afternoon nap I indulged in on the day.

Amusing things: After all our trouble and all the hype the baby panda slept through our viewing session. A little black and white lump spread in front of the viewing window with a crowd of people pushing to see him.

The highlight turned out to be the otters having a very acrobatic session of otter lovin' when we passed their cage in the small mammal house. Hubs didn't realize what they were up to and was laughing and filming the antics. (He was pretty embarassed when I pointed out what it was they doing.) The boy will still say his favorite thing at the zoo was the otter "butt bump".

Amusing was my nephew who got extremely toasted at Christmas Eve and was telling dirty jokes to my brother's girlfriend's parents. Better was when he tried to sneek another drink after his wife cut him off and her reaction when she caught him.

Also amusing, I got my very own dreidel. Hubs bought me a box of chocolates. He was so proud - "look", he said, "it even has a christmas ornament". I noted the blue ribbon and was skeptical. Then I noticed the ornament had hebrew markings. Yep he managed to pick out a box aimed at those celebrating Chanukkah. I have now alerted him to the easy holiday guideline - if it's blue it's for a jew.

All in all a fine holiday. Hope the ho-ho man was good to each and every one of you.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen