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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-12-05 - 12:31 p.m.

When Snowmen Attack!

I can't believe I wrote about my Saturday outing and neglected to tell about the evil that lurks in unassuming gift shops. My friend likes snowmen for decorations apparently she has quite a collection. Subsequently she was attuned to all of the various snowmen offered for sale. What we discovered is that there seems to be a real influx of evil snowmen. Snowmen with sneers, grimaces and snarls. Gone are the happy snowmen with smiles. Apparently that isn't hip enough for now. Instead some marketing geniuses want you to decorate the house in snowmen that are obviously plotting some sort of mayhem. Don't go into the basement to check out that sound!

And don't even get me started on the demonic elves we saw!

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen