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2005-12-01 - 7:08 p.m.

Complaint Box

I think one of my biggest issues with my workplace is that no one there is anything like me. The do not have the same taste in anything and I get very little conversation. It is positively painful to have such an excellent episode of Lost and not have anyone at work to talk to about it. Even if you don't consider the boss who occasionally exhibits multiple personalities and tells long pointless stories kind of like your Uncle Cletus that no one really wants to sit next to at the holidays, it's a fine bit of torture.

And speaking of torture we had what I guess you'd call a division all hands meeting today. One of the people who was supposed to speak (I don't know his title, but cruise director fits) was actually standing in front of the group sticking a pencil up his nose and in his ear. I really can not be among that group of people without feeling like I've just taken a dip in the shallow end of the gene pool.

In other gripes I have slightly too much on my plate and no motivation to complete even the smallest tasks (except scheduling more stuff like I did today which seems really dopey in retrospect).


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen