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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-11-17 - 9:21 p.m.

Good, bad. Happy, sad.

When I was a pre-teen I got a diary for some gift occasion. The diary is mostly empty as I didn't write each day and each day was pre-labeled with the date. My AR personality would never write on the wrong date so if I missed one it stayed blank. There is, however, a section in the middle which is nothing but a twelve year old's tv guide. What I watched and gushing reviews of how I loved each show. So when I've sat down to write this week filled with very few items of passion and interest, there's been nothing to write. Unless I switch to glowing reviews of Lost. I could go over to The Fuselage if I wanted to do that or hang out at TWOP.

I buried the hatchet with the boss on Wednesday, not by my choice but when called into the office with the door closed, things are said. Ultimately it was a very unsatisfying thing because I know the fundamental issues won't change. He saw my point on some of it but simply pled imperfection. Alas I am the only agent of change I can control. Now I just have to remind myself regularly not to play those games again.

I got a random unsolicited call last night from the next door neighbor. It's American Education Week and she'd been at the school. Her son begged her to sit in on the beginning trombone class and she felt compelled to call and tell me what a good little musician my boy was. Wow. I give him my attention for the duration of his practice sessions. For him the audience seems to be key. I'm glad to know that my enthusiasm for the music is positively affecting his participation. Band was a huge part of my child and young adulthood, I'd love for him to get that experience too. And for having been a trombonist for only a month he's not doing too badly.

I accidentally bought Poundy's book last friday. I wasn't looking for her book I was actually looking for something else entirely in the health and diet section. Her book caught my eye and I thought the title and the section it was in were interesting. I bought the book, started it and was startled by it. Especially where she starts tossing out the names of people I've read online. I blew through it in an afternoon. It was an interesting book, but it wasn't what I thought it would be from the title and cover blurbs. For some reason I had a clear idea of what I expected and that wasn't it. Guess that means I have a good idea for a book.

Saturday I'm heading a bit north for PrattBunnieSomethingorAnotherCon otherwise known as "lunch with those internet people". I'm bringing the boy, but after some discussion the man has declined. Knowing him, I had declined on his behalf right away, but he suprised me by actually considering coming. It was clearly not what he wanted, though, since he was making excuses why maybe he shouldn't. I allowed as how, if he was going to be bored and antsy, perhaps it would be better if he just stays home. Some would find that disconcerting but it works for us. I expect it to be a smashing good time.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen