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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-10-18 - 1:42 p.m.

Mental Chaos.


Ok, that's out of the way. Phew. My brain is like a helium baloon in a car with the windows open - bouncing every where and in serious danger of exploding.

I have lists, I have chores, I have piles of things to be packed. I find myself bouncing from one thing to the next indiscriminately and find I'm very glad I have the lists. I go to add the very important thing to the list that I'm sure I'll forget and find it's already there. I'm just ready to hit the road.

Is it wrong to be irritated that I'll be flying across the country into a normally totally different climate only to have the weather be very much like home while I'm there? I'm leaving some of the most scrumptious fall weather we've had just to go to temperatures that are within 5 degrees of what I'm leaving.

Last night while I listened as nicely as I could to my son blat his trombone, I realized that his success at the instrument will probably directly related to my willingness to listen to his nightly practice sessions. This is not a child playing for the love of music, this is a show looking for an audience. He's also a born marching band member. He plays for a bit then asks "can I walk around while I play?" It's both amusing and disconcerting. He likes trombone because "they really want you to play it in middle school". Hmmm.

Yesterday, the first after school science class seemed to go well. The leader is a teacher at our school, so she's got it together in that respect. She never called so I'm guessing the parents all showed up to claim their kids. Hopefully the little ones can handle going into the room and waiting for class to start because there is a 5 to 10 minute gap between their arrival and the teachers (the little ones in the class are dismissed before the grade she teaches). Tonight is the next class - second and third graders. I'm less worried about the kids but have no idea who the teacher is. I'll be better when I've met them. I have very few concerns for the fourth/fifth class because I already know I have to sit through that one each week.

Tonight the man is off to the movies. The boy and I will come home a bit early (since I'm leaving work in time to meet the teacher and make sure we're set contact-wise). The boy has homework to makeup (brought home the wrong book yesterday), and dinner, of course, but other than that all I've got to do is pack for the trip. Oh, and maybe burn the cd I've been working on. I've been trying to get the playlist in an order I like but the damn MS software keeps screwing things up. Last night I discovered it had totally rearranged things into new directories and added cover art photos and other stuff I don't want. It must have contacted the mothership while I was listening and playing online games. In the process it managed to "lose" several of the songs on the playlist. GAH! I hate when the damn computer thinks it knows better than me. Maybe I'll get that done tonight too. Depends on how focused I am or how flighty.

Right now - flightly is the more likely forecast.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen