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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-09-09 - 7:54 p.m.

Getting a Grip.

I finally got some sleep last night. That really helped. Things are getting back to what passes for normal.

Today I had to mea culpa first thing at work since I forgot to re-up a site certificate. Turns out the boss was just as happy that I didn't since we are decommissioning the site anyway.

Then I left early to deal with my PTA committee arrangements and visit the dentist. I called the program coordinator earlier in the week and discovered I didn't have the kind of time I thought I did to get it sorted out and running. That generated huge amounts of stress for me. All it took was a 5 minute meeting and 500 photo copies. Now the only thing I have to do is drop the forms in the mailboxes monday and hope like heck the kids sign up for the program. 2 stressors down.

The big stressor, however, was the PTA foo and wah. I had pretty much decided it was too much to contemplate, so I wasn't going to even think about it. I made my opinion known and that was all I could do. In the end that may or may not have influenced the final decision. The "game of chance" will not happen at the children's bingo night as it could be interpreted by some as gambling. I wasn't the only one who saw it that way and I'm happy the principal saw it our way too.

Then to top it off there was an apology from the new pres for being so belittling of what the previous year's PTA had done. I'm glad of that. It's far easier to work with these people if I'm not busy hating them. I briefly thought of walking away, but then who would be the dissenting opinion? Now I can quietly go back to the native guide position I had hoped for.

In other news there is now a trombone in my home. The boy picked trombone for his band instrument. After a bit of back and forth on whether it was too much work to practice daily and me saying that lazy was not a good reason not to try band, an agreement was reached. He's trying out the trombone. We have 3 months trial period on the rental (for only $20 - a bargain). I still don't quite get it, though, his first choice was trombone, his second was flute ?!

Tomorrow I have to ferry the man and his videotape collection to the flea market. Then there is much laundry. Then I must go to the flea market to relieve the man for lunch. Then more laundry. Then pick up the man and hopefully fewer videos. Followed probably by laundry.

Sunday however looks more promising - Renfaire with the Best Babe and her assorted household. Yea!

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen