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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-09-03 - 3:36 p.m.

Domestic Bliss

I have the some slats on the blinds in the office flipped up to look out. I can see the riot of zinnas that are the standard in my late summer garden. In the last five minutes I have also seen a goldfinch picking petals and a hummingbird sipping nectar. Right now there's a tiger swallowtail butterfly flitting decoratively around the flowers.

Last night I went out with the Best Babe for a little food and schmooze. Splendid as always. That moved the friday evening chores over to today. Except the farm, which I took care of yesterday so we could split up the produce after dinner.

Today I picked beans in my garden. Bless the beans they are the only thing I'm having any luck with at all. Then I ran a couple errands for a tablecloth, some booze, a phone number and groceries.

Now in amazing domestic bliss I have blanched a bit more than a quart of beans, and have a big pot of tomatoes bubbling on the stove becoming sauce. I had the couple romas from my garden, last weeks beefsteaks and romas from the farm, and a whole 'nother bag of little romas from yesterdays farm run. The grape tomatoes were actually red, so I kept them out for salads and I saved the bigger tomatoes for a veggie experiment to be executed this weekend and if I could spell it's name I'd say what it is. So except for the part where I've given absolutely no thought to dinner, I'm feeling very domestic.

Now I suppose I should go off and put sodas and juice in the fridge and switch out the splendid popcicle tablecloth for something less summery.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen