Deb's Place


Our Excellent Hosts
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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-07-12 - 12:33 p.m.

Last Night.

Last night seemed like a normal evening. The summer workbook was a struggle until dinner but the meal was good and the boy finished his work easily afterward. There was some Game Cube, a bath and bed. I was bored and tired so I headed to bed shortly after he did. Ten minutes later the boy presents himself complaining of his stomach hurting. This should be the point where everyone says "uh oh!". We talk a bit and he heads back to bed. I hear him rustling in the bathroom and get up to check on him. Still not a happy camper. There's not much I can do, so I love on the boy and put the trashcan next to the bed.

Not 10 minutes later he presents himself again. Yep sick. Sick all over the bedroom. Sick next to the bed, sick in a straight line from bed to bathroom. I'm not proud of myself but seeing 10 to 12 square feet of carpeted decimation cause me to have a bit of a melt down.

I got him to clean up (mostly tooth brushing), change his clothes (he thought they were ok, I didn't), then I ensconced him in the sewing room chair while I started on the mess. I went down the stairs and told hubs what was up. Then started cleaning. Eventually I put the boy to bed in the spare room (too much devastation in his) and went to bed.

(Side note - what was the husband thinking that presented with this crisis he shut down the computer, crated the dog for the night and them meandered upstairs and into our bedroom?)

Much discussion ensued with hubs about going or not going to camp. The first time was obvious, he could be sick, he stays home. This time there was an air of "he was perfectly fine the entire weekend". Hubs has a class, I have work issues, the boy has a field trip - the decision is made that if he wakes ok and doesn't have a temp, he goes.

The gym ladies comiserated this morning. One asked "Is there a reason he wouldn't go to camp". So I followed up. Yep. Seems the boy had problems with some of the bigger kids yesterday. He even got out of the pool at free swim because it wasn't fun with them bugging him. Ah Ha. The truth.

Last time he was sick and got to stay home with me and play MarioKart. I think that's probably what he wanted again. Instead he went to camp and I had a quick chat with his counsellor - who apparently was not there yesterday. I asked him to look out for the boy, and I think he will. As for this tactic, in the future I think sick days will be involving complete bed rest.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen