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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-06-28 - 1:25 p.m.

A deep and abiding sense of Blah.

I've been trying very hard not to be whiney here. Not because I don't feel whiney because I really do. Last summer this space was full of brain numbing introspection. I just really didn't want this summer to be stupefying as well.

I'm in a very, very slow period at work. As in - unless I'm fixing errors made by the users there is nothing for me to do. Today even my weekly boondoggle meeting was cancelled. It makes today's workload equivalent to less than nothing.

In the evenings I have a bad case of inertia. By the time I've made dinner and shepherded the boy through the summer workbook (sometimes a painful process) I just don't seem to have the energy for anything. The internet gets 15 minutes for reading mail and such but after surfing all day, it's mostly a bust. The TV selection has a really bad case of summer too.

Not much better during the down time, either. I accomplished very little over the last couple weekends. This week, I remembered late Sunday what the 3 things I wanted to do were. Of course by then it was too late to do any of them. Hopefully I won't forget them again before this weekend.

On the more positive front, I'm trying to help my son be a research subject. They are doing a project at the college that includes playing a virtual reality game. He's been begging to participate. I picked up the paperwork yesterday, but they weren't there this morning for me to drop it off. I'll have to try again this evening.

Tonight's great joy (not) is the first PTA meeting of the new Executive Board. I'm am somewhat less than enthusiastic about the whole thing. The incoming president called last night to be sure I was coming. He is turning into a collosal nag. I just want to scream I work all day, it's summer now, and this is the only break I get. But I won't. But I'm not going to volunteer for anything either.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen