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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-06-13 - 3:44 p.m.

Pain, power and 2am.

I'm still pretty darn sore. Nothing like an innocent picnic game that cripples you. I still managed to accomplish just about everything on my weekend list. Of course I remembered this morning the things that I forgot to put on the list, but I guess it all comes out even.

Last night I drugged up and collapsed into bed. Around midnight the power went out. This wouldn't be a problem for me, except that DH uses a sleep apnea machine. The effect is like going from sleeping next to a vacuum to total silence. Of course he can't manage to cope without some annoying commentary. He also will not attempt sleep without his machine, so after a couple minutes I experience the jostle and waves as he gets up and leaves to go downstairs. At some point I got to experience the reverse of him returning, bouncing into bed and the noise restarting.

I then got the unique pleasure of answering the phone at 2 in the morning to talk to the handyman who was calling to say he couldn't do the work my husband wanted because he is going to jail for 6 months on a DUI. His excuse for the time was that he assumed the machine would pick up. Me I'm thinking drunk dialing. He's a nice enough guy as handymen go but what idiot calls at 2am?

I'm suprisingly unfased by it all today - I credit the heavy drugs with helping me regain sleep after each interuption. I've spent my day going cross-eyed trying to do data entry from some reports. Nothing like discerning 6's, 8's and 5's on a fax of a fax of a fax. Seems the users ran a process, printed the reports, sent them to the client, then re-ran the process. Unfortunately someone killed the process so it undid the previous run but only finished half of the new one. My job is to get the data back to what was sent to the clients. Oh yes, I love my job.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen