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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-04-30 - 3:34 p.m.

Of rain, dogs and dead things.

I was supposed to be at an SCA event today. I am not, however, as it is raining and I am not yet completely over the ick I had earlier in the week. Since the event would have two choices (1) out in the cold/chilly or (2) in a crowded hall, I decided it would be better not to be a plague rat and bring illness to the masses.

I'm lazing around instead, or rather I wish I was lazing around instead. What I have done is go to the gym (I missed twice due to said ick and figured it would be good to hop back in the saddle so to speak), gone to pick up my copies then wait way too long for the guy to make them (since they didn't bother to do that yesterday). Then I nibbled lunch and watched the rest of Van Helsing which got interupted by the return of the G rated resident on my sick day last week. Now I'm thinking I may blow off the other chores and sleep for a bit.

The one thing I did manage to do last night was bathe the dog. He hated it but I just couldn't stand it any more. Not even considering the groomers are scheduled to come tomorrow. He smelled horrific. I'm reasonably certain he's been rolling in the dead thing. He certainly smelled like rotting white tail. Yuck.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen