Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2005-04-07 - 3:01 p.m.

Better Day.

It's a better day today. I was amused to see the morning gym lady feeling as confused and frustrated today as I was yesterday (by the crazy change cd). She was at least lucky that she had us to explain the whole thing to her.

I've had some edits to do on my forms at work. It's engaging but somewhat mindless work. A nice mix.

I'm trying to watch what I eat again and some success at that is definitely a mood lifter. I'm point counting and even with an event and the baseball party I am still in good shape with points approaching the last day of my food week. I also figured out what my favorite fudge bars morphed into (they were Slimfast, now Breyers Heart Healthy or some such). I also have been walking 3 out of 4 lunch-times this week. I really need work shoes that are better for walking in, though, as I have several blisters from the effort.

No one at work has mentioned the error again. I'm beginning to believe any danger is mostly my bosses paranoia.

Plus I'm gettting a new cube neighbor at work. Hopefully she will be more interesting than my previous one. He is working out of our bank in Frederick - commuting that distance every day was doing him in.

PS: Celynen, send me an address to debsiobhan at and I'll mail those cds to you.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen