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2005-02-12 - 4:04 p.m.

Be Mine.

Children's valentines have changed dramatically from when I was a child. We had these cute little die-cut pictures with catchy phrases and little envelopes. The selection was always a mix - frustrating for me as I would always get everyone's hippo and elephant valentines. These days it's all licensed characters. The box has whatever variety the movie or show has with the catchy phrases related to the characters.

This year the boy selected Power Rangers Dino-Thunder valentines as it is apparently the year of the Dino-Thunder in the schoolboy horoscope (see previous selections for backpack, lunchbox and school supplies).

My question is what voodoo do they use to pick the perfect selection for each child. Some selections are obvious even to a middle-aged mom like me. You save the double size valentines for your best friends, wish we were best friends or teacher. Girls get the yellow ranger because she is the only girl ranger. [There was a bit of angst because he wanted to give Kat a non-yellow ranger valentine without her thinking he liked her. I resolved it by pointing out he had 5 girls left on the list and only one yellow ranger valentine. I wonder who else will get the non-yellow ranger items?] But what makes the child say "Hmmm Emilio, Definitely the 'Have a Power Filled Day'". I mean really is that better than "Have a Thunderous Day"?

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen