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2005-02-02 - 8:34 p.m.

The nature of motivation.

Today the shrink and I had a lovely talk about motivation and core beliefs. She believes that I need to challenge my belief that my life is boring and that boring is bad. I already identified the pattern where I do well at any weight loss for a short time while it is novel and exciting. She thinks that perhaps I should consider that not all motivation is exciting or (in my words) sexy. If I continue to associate the relentlessness of a routine as boring and bad then I will never have the wherewithall to withstand the sort of long term effort required to reduce me to a healthy size. It was truely one of her more logical and inspired contributions. Lots of brain fodder to keep me until the next session.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen