Deb's Place


Our Excellent Hosts
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About Me

Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-12-27 - 11:02 a.m.


Sometimes work is a relief. I am sitting. Sitting! I will be sitting for hours today! The only thing that would be better would be if I were sleeping - that would be perfect.

The holiday has passed and very pleasantly if exhaustingly. Someone explain to me again why me, the person who has to work the next week and weekend, is the one who hosted all the parties? Christmas Eve was all about preparation and cleaning. We ate a nice dinner, chilled out through the evening, did the santa thing and went to bed. Then an hour or so later, I got a wake up call from work. Totter downstairs, log in, thank the gods for dial in capabilities, spend 1 minute fixing the issue, shut it all down and totter back to bed.

The boy awoke before 5:30 followed rapidly by the man. I had previously issued the edict that no one should wake me in any hour earlier than 6. I startled awake at 6:30 wondering why they hadn't awakened me. Came downstairs to find everything festive and still waiting. The boys were both playing on the computers completly unconcerned about the presents or my sleeping in. With me up the party started so to speak. Presents happened including a lovely necklace from the little boy - gotta love it that the 8 year old is the one who thinks I need jewelry. Breakfast happened and then I started getting things ready for "the feast". I puttered, sat, puttered sat and then around 3:30 the in-laws arrived. We had a nice little visit with them and then the rest of the local crew showed up for cocktails. We made Cosmo's and it was very good. I highly recommend a couple to cut the food prep stress! Everything timed out just as it was supposed to and a tasty meal was enjoyed by all. The only mistake was an error in favor of excess - I worried about having leftovers to share and ended up cooking another turkey breast in addition to the big bird. We never touched it so I have many, many leftovers. After dinner the hubs and family were chatting and noshing cookies so I did the dishes. I had just finished up when the out of town sibling arrived for desert. There were more presents, more food and finally, way past the boy's bedtime, quiet. I took just long enough to run a washload of the tablecloth and dish towels and to time delay the dishwasher and promptly collapsed.

Sunday was up and dine and begin prepping things for the day's gathering. There was one excellent momement of quiet after breakfast spent chatting with hubs (a rarity!). I had very little food prepared ahead so I dove right into cooking. Then there was the whirl of people, food, conversation, replenishing drinks, taking out the recycling, more food, more conversation. I made too much food and they brought too much food. Excess was once again achieved. My vegetarian nephew has shifted to vegan so the food I made specially for him wasn't anything he would eat, luckily I think it's tasty. Everyone left rather abruptly around 5 (I'm not sure why that happens with my family). I fed the boy a sandwich, cleaned up again, and sank onto the couch exhausted.

Ending score - 2 excellent parties, a pile of good gifts, way too many leftovers. It's a wrap ...

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen