Deb's Place


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About Me

Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-09-01 - 10:12 a.m.


Yesterday it was a mom & munchkin day. Hubs was behind on his movie viewing (horror of horrors!) so he wanted a movie night. The start of school, family torture night and group conspired to select yesterday for that night.

The boy, in honor of it being a mom day, had me drive him to school. Of course that means that I don't get to work early so I can't cut out early to get him on time. So I did the work thing then zipped down to retrieve the boy. I was only marginally later than his usual retreival time. Pickup duty also allowed me to pick up the 4 inch thick pile of forms in the PTA mail box.

Home to do homework - still pretty minimal due to it being only day 2. Then cook, eat, and clean up. Dinner running late just by virtue of the one worker-bee effect.

Hubs arrived home before bedtime but wanted me to do the honors as he wanted to watch a stupid (and totally panned by the critics) tv show. I'm still trying to figure that one out since bedtime is 8 and the show was at 9, but whatever.

It was minor chaos since I had a bazillion pieces of paper to go through, 3 or 4 PTA things to finish and bedtime duty to do. Plus when I do bath and bedtime it brings out the baby in my big boy. Most everything got done, but now my printer is acting up making the 225 copies I need somewhat painful to create. I bit the bullet and took the other copying to a shop but I still need to finish the set of flyers I started. I guess that's one of tonight's jobs.

There's still a lot on my plate for the week - mostly squeezed into the before work, after work and lunch times. Today I have to drop bank paperwork at the bank at lunch (at the hometown branch so it's a drive) plus I have to return the sorted forms to the PTA mailbox so their recipients can get them. Then tonight is family torture, plus more copies and some bulletin board preparation. Tomorrow I have to get all the flyers to the school for distribution and redo the pta bulletin board at lunch then I have group at night. Friday is just groceries, but that's good because I'm pretty much done in and I haven't even started this list. The weekend features visiting bits of my family. In addition we managed to upset the in-laws by not making last minute plans to visit them. (Not that I'm too worried about that - I'd have to be really motivated to make a trip on Saturday based on a phone call Tuesday night.)

So that's what I'm doing if you don't "see" much of me in the meantime.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen