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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-07-29 - 9:46 a.m.

Learning, Changing.

I'm wearing my lightest clothes today. It's weigh-in day after all and if I can cheat the scale, I will. My intake this week does not reflect my commitment. I think in embracing my imperfections I should remember not to wine and dine them quite so much.

My whiney, angsty weeks appear to be more related to hormonal fluctuations than what I've actually eaten. This past week I've been worse and felt better - now I just have to see if knowlege is power. If I can keep my brain together during PMS week perhaps I won't lose my focus so much.

We're gearing full into Step II of the WM program. We'll be dining out monday for the last nutrition class, then we'll be on 1 1hour meeting a week, plus bi-weekly personal meetings with the doc and the dietician. The group will change for certain - most of us will continue though 2 folks have mentioned they don't know how they'll swing the cash and 1 has just flat out said she doesn't know if she'll be back. Of those 3, 1 will try hard to stay, 1 is hard to read if it's a choice thing I think she should stick to the individual therapy and the 3rd is tough. She is the one that would probably benefit the most if she would loosen up a little and join in a bit more. She's on the edge, I hope she comes with us for the ride.

I'm prepped to do fitness with the group a couple times a week. It's all decision point time - trying to figure out how it will all play out during the school year. I was all ready to go back to the evening gym sessions, but hubs made it sound like the am would still work ok. Now I have to figure out if I think it would work. I'm sure to be busier than last year, that's certain. Might be an ok thing too.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen