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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-07-22 - 7:17 p.m.

Embracing Imperfection.

I've got to get a grip on some food reality. I was spouting doom and gloom and when I sat down for my sessions the doc and dietician think the food logs looked fine. Either I lied on the logs more than I thought (I know I did just a tiny bit but I wasn't complaining about the day I didn't finish writing everything down) or I am catastrophizing every little indulgence. That's not healthy and I won't be able to achieve a sustainable weight loss if I don't get it together.

Today we touched on my relationship with hubs and the fact that on some day's I'm probably just emotionally bankrupt. The doc likes my "very visual descriptions" but she wishes I would be a bit more positive. Apparently she didn't like that I refered to sunday's activity as "the fan repair from hell".

Doom and gloom aside the weight was not up. Though it maybe related to judicious pre-weigh-in control of intake the scale was down a pound. And that on the "week from hell". I'm such a basket case - uh oh cognitive distortion, I'm labeling.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen