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2004-07-15 - 8:12 p.m.

Things of Worth.

Today's exercise with the doctor had to do with my job issues. We did our cognitive behavioral voodoo on some of my larger issues. First a "Thought Log" then a problem solving exercise.

At one point I said "I've always valued my skills and intelligence." Boom. Topic shift. Now we are talking about self worth. I've never thought much about self worth so the question "on what do you base your self worth" was a definite exercise in introspection. What character traits do I value and how do I measure up to my ideal.

I think I like this way of thinking. I'd much rather base my self worth on integrity, charity and other real values than on my checkbook or the size of my butt.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen