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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-07-02 - 12:27 p.m.

Up and Out

The funk that descended is mostly gone. It was in fact, mostly gone by Wednesday evening when the folks at WM group had me laughing so hard I cried. These women are a hoot. The shrink describes us as "difficult to redirect".

I know that part of last week's funk was saying goodbye to the pool - at least for this year. Wednesday I actually called the pool guys and said it was a no go. The price really was more than we could afford even when I started cutting things. The husband made the logical suggestion that we increase our contributions to the joint account in the amount of a loan payment for the pool. We save that money for a year and we will have both more cash up front and we will know we can afford the loan payments. It was so damned logical and reasonable that I couldn't say no. But a desire like that is neither logical nor reasonable and I think my inner child had a bit of a tantrum.

Second is the whole soul sucking that my job is doing. The consensus of the WM group is that I need to get out there and find a new job. That may be right but damn there's a lot of plusses to the place I am. Except for the boredom and the totally unfriendly co-workers. The location, the pay and the flexibility are great. I've decided that there is a clear distinction between nice and friendly. My co-workers are nice but definitely not friendly.

The shrink also pinged on my inability to put did nothing and had a good weekend into the same sentence. She really did not like the fact that I feel the need to accomplish things on the weekend to call it good. She's big on the benefits of doing nothing or just spending time with the boy. I'm not so big on that. Not to say that I don't veg occasionally but I do like to feel like I did more than watch bad tv all weekend. She thinks that a half hour may not be long enough for our next appointment.

On the plus-side the weight was down a bit. The one month total June 3 to July 1 was 11 pounds - not too shabby at all. Without doing anything that I'd call dieting. In fact I have my first diet-type goals for this week. I'm to try and be certain that I'm eating sweets because I want them, not because they are a habit. Silly dietician, of course I want them. The diet part of the goal is to limit myself to sweets on 5 of 7 days. Since I know that my total calorie intake will need to go down as I lose weight I figure I'll do my best with that goal this week.

For the weekend I am helping Sissy with chores on Saturday, and I have a lovely long list of potential home chores of my own for Sunday and Monday.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen