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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-06-23 - 4:03 p.m.

Putt-putting along.

I had a bad start to the week breaking my side-view mirror on the side of the garage. I was afraid it would be all down hill from there. So far though, everything seems to have evened out a bit. The husband is off on his train pilgrimage. He called last night to fill me in on the wonders of the first day's stops. Today it's Altoona and then to Pittsburg and his convention.

The boy and I went to dine with SIL and her daughter last night. The boy, however, desperately wanted to go home to play on the computer. He's not subtle either. After desert was served he leaned over and in that loud whisper only a child would call discreet said "We're done eating, can we go home now?"

I scored the other SIL for a sitter for tonight, but the boy has been lobbying against that as well. He doesn't want me to go to the "skinnier mommy class". He wants to be with me, he says. Luckily I know that all he really wants to be with is the computer. He'll just have to deal with a byte free night.

Work has been horribly frustrating. Trying to write code in an application I haven't touched in several years is even more difficult than I expected. Add to that a number of things that just don't work even though logically they ought to. I do feel, however, like I'm mentally stretching a bit after snoozing through the last 2 or 3 years. The days are busy and really seem to zoom by.

WM groups are tonight. Over achiever that I am I have my homework already done. I don't actually find out until tomorrow if I've managed not to lose weight this week. Certainly I've done my part by eating. Frankly if I can still lose after a mcd's lunch, a mexican dinner out, a family dinner night (including brownies) and all the other stuff I've eaten I will be a complete believer in this program. I've only made a couple changes, after all. I eat as a separate activity - not while working, watching tv or doing anything else - which really stops the mindless eating (my downfall). I make an effort to eat things I know are healthy most of the time, and plan just enough to be sure that I have those foods available. And I exercise (which I was already doing). That's it.

I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but so far it's not so hard to keep emotions and food on two separate tracks. After all, if I have to make an event out of eating I'm much more likely to be sure of the reason I'm doing it. We'll see.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen