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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-06-18 - 9:08 a.m.

So where was I ...

Busy, busy, busy. This week has been pretty much one thing after another. The boy's picnic, the husband's night out, the day I blew off work for PTA stuff, my night of groups, another pool guy ... geeze it doesn't seem to end.

So let's see, the WM groups are going well. The women are a hoot and some of them really seem to have that parallel life thing going on with me. The old guy got his hearing aide fixed, so that's been better. He can be a little preachy but he has a quick wit though the delivery is very slow. I've determined that the thinnest participant is by far the most emotionally screwed up of us. Personally I wonder if maybe she shouldn't invest in a bit more of the heavy duty therapy. On the whole everyone is very invested in the process and no one is blaming anything but their eating habits. It's great to have their ideas and input. We find we are all practicing thinking more like optimists. Strangely (or not) it helps.

I have been successful enough thus far that the dietician had asked me not to lose any weight this week because it's dropped off of me the first two weigh-ins. I figure I'll eat like I've been eating (which I don't thing is that great) and see how it goes. I find that a large weight loss when just the day before I went out to lunch and ate an entire "shareable" appetizer myself plus a sandwich to be bizarre. I can't see my self trying to eat more if I'm satisfied with what I'm eating. I guess I'll work harder to eat all my exchanges or some thing.

I also had my resting metabolic rate tested. Now I've never thought I have a slow metabolism. I'm the wonder child who gained weight on an overactive thyroid so I figure that I just have a grand talent for eating. True to my beliefs the resting rate is pretty impressive. In fact, the Doctor said "wow that's the highest metabolic rate we've ever tested in this office". I'm probably the heaviest person they've had too. Weight raises it, as does activity so I guess the 8 months of effort at the gym has had a positive effect. Of course now I have to accept the responsibility of my actions - my body is doing a darn good job of burning calories and I've been the one dishing out the abuse (usually in the form of ice cream).

I'm still sort of waiting for the big mental slump to come. I have often been successful but only to a point. Then the slump hits and something or several somethings cause me to stop and revert to the unhealthy practices. I'm not going to say that's inevitable (Cognitive Behavior Therapy won't let me.) Still, I'm keeping my mind open so that I'll see it if it starts lurking.

The school year is done. I am now the parent of a third grader. He's half way through elementary school. I met the new principal for the school. She is coming into an entirely different environment. It should be good. The PTA stuff is mostly done. There will be a few items to tidy up but the big stuff is over. At this point all I have to do is meet with the new principal over the summer and see what the PTA can do to introduce her to the school.

Work is busy. I was out one day this week and loved having a chance to catch up on non-work things. I'm out again today with the boy. I feel pretty guilty like I'm neglecting my job. On the other hand there aren't that many things I absolutely have to be there for so I don't know why I'm worrying.

That's where things are now. Today there are errands and tomorrow perhaps some gardening.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen