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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-06-14 - 3:32 p.m.

Sometimes it's nice to go back to work.

I was very pleased to come to work this morning. It allowed me to get a bit of rest. You know sit still, piddle on the computer, sip a soda. I needed it after the weekend.

Saturday I met the babe and brit for a morning movie. Good show, HP, pleasant company, but probably a mistake. I left the movie, had to get gas, zoomed home, wrap a present, eat lunch and get to a birthday party half hour away within 40 minutes or less. Needless to say I got the gas, got home, wrapped the present, threw together a sandwich to eat in the car, grabbed the kid and made it to the party only 15 minutes or so late. The party was nice, the weather beautiful. It was an outside party with ponies and tractor rides. Zip home to start the laundry and dinner. We actually had a nice dinner out on the deck, but when we came in the husband says "I think there's something wrong with the hot water heater". Seems he'd listened to it grind and grind all afternoon but by dinner there was no hot water. I was very annoyed that a) he could hear something was wrong and didn't do anything and b) he just sort of expected me to deal with it. Instead I had a mini-meltdown. I told him that I was maxed out and he had to deal with it NOW. After a couple phone calls (one to a plumber I've never heard of, then one to the one who we've called every other time) a Sunday appointment was acquired. Finally at this point the man makes a decision and turns off the circuit breaker to the hot water heater. Needless to say no additional laundry was done and I did the pots and pans (with boiled water - he was just going to clean them in cold).

Sunday up early so I can be a) dressed and b) have eaten before the plumber arrives. Cook, eat, camp kitchen dishes. Decisions, decisions to cold shower or not to cold shower? I chose shower. Plumber comes, hits the circuit breaker, hot water heater resets itself, plumber charges us $60, 15 minutes later we have hot water. Hmmm, live an learn, next time we'll hit the circuit breaker give it 10 minutes and restart it again ourselves. In the meantime I took a damn cold shower for nothing! I could have had hot! Then it was family time as we went to the ball game. Cheap tickets courtesy of my workplace. But a fun family outing is not without it's stressors including serious traffic foo on the prefered travel route leading to a detour, trying to find a close and available parking facility. But we got there fine, if a bit later than desired. Ate chicken and sausages at the "bullpen party" then off to way upperdeck seats for the extravaganza. The boy ate an icecream and a HUGE tub of popcorn. When he was finished the food, he was bored. We sword fought with the flags we got when we came in, DH bought him a "foam finger" and he played with that. Then the drunks a couple of rows up tried to get a wave going. That was entertaining for a couple innings, but in the end we left before the end. Home to the laundry and dinner and getting things ready for the week.

Today then was a bit of a treat to slip into a mostly normal day. One side trip to the school for lunch as it was the boy's picnic day, and here we are. The rest of the week looks challenging, but that seems to be the way the "summer schedule" is.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen