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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-04-30 - 9:17 p.m.

Be Careful what you wish for...

Just a quick update since I've been incommunicado for the past couple of days. I was in Philly on business doing a disaster recovery exercise. Last time we went (in January) I was bummed because we took all time and energy to get the backups up and ready to restore and then only restored a couple of files. My reaction then was "why didn't we follow through?". This time it was just one application for my group (mine) and we had to get the backups up and restore it completely.

This should have been easier than last time. Unfortunately they upgraded software on the backups in the meantime. Also unfortunately the chief backup guru drank really heavily the night before. He could not have been a) vauger and b) less competent than he was when we started. Finally at 4:30pm (we started at 8am) I had the server reset to the starting point. Then I went through and did what I thought should be done (key word is thought, I didn't know as I have no experience with this software). I had the system mostly up by 6-6:30 and he finished it up so that I had my first file fully restored by 8:30. After that it was me feeding tapes to the machine. At around midnight it finished loading. I spent another 50 minutes dealing with issues related to bringing the software in from a backup as opposed to installing it. Finally at 12:50am I had my app up and running. I swear I wanted to do a happy dance!

The downside is I wasn't about to catch a cab in downtown Philly at 1am by myself, so I had to wait another hour until someone else was ready to go back to the hotel. Needless to say it was a darn long night. Speaking of which, I think I'll go sleep now.

Nite, Nite.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen