Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-03-25 - 8:49 p.m.

More baggage than the airlines.

Just for perspective here's the other things that are bugging me:

1. The little hound has once again had a bad blood test. Last year this same test was twice normal levels. Last year this led to 4 additional appointments 3 tests and an x-ray. That's 4 days of forced fasting for the hound, 4 times hauled to the vet for him to be locked in a metal kennel and taken out only to be poked and prodded, 4 times late to work and late home for dropping off and picking up, $500 for this privilege all to be told that everything else was normal (except an enlarged heart on the x-ray, which is of concern but unrelated) and that I should take him to a veternary internist for additional tests. This year the same test is 3 times normal values. My sweet pup is 12 years old - he doesn't need this kind of upheaval. I need to have the hard conversation where I ask what they think will be different this year than last. Then I still have to decide how far to pursue this.

2. Tomorrow the evil dentist is giving me another crown. I don't want a crown. I don't like this guy's style and I keep thinking I should have just said no.

3. Sometime tomorrow I also have to go to the school and drop off flyers for the upcoming PTA foo. We are going to have a "general meeting" next week. That means I have to stand up in front of (hopefully) more than 15 other members and get them to vote to accept the by-laws again. Without giving them copies (too expensive and wasteful) and without taking too long because there's a drama club show afterward. Hopefully there won't be any "percentage of the budget" type questions this time.

4. The son of the soccer coach approached me at the school to tell me soccer is starting in a week. Except that no adult has contacted me and I don't have any schedule information. But there's theoretically a game 1 week from sunday.

5. I need to schedule and eye exam, a thyroid sonogram and a doctor appointment which seems like way too many days out of the office coming up.

You know, plus all the regular stuff...

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen