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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-02-01 - 10:53 a.m.

Weekend Sloth.

I was wondering how it was that I was getting some computer time here in the mid-day. Usually its a knock down drag out for the 'puter. Now that I'm sitting here with the sunlight blasting through the gaps in the blinds and into my eyes, I understand. The kid gave it up because he couldn't see the screen anymore. I guess I really ought to look into different blinds for this room, preferably something that actually works.

I'm being a slug yet again this weekend. There was too much stress associated with the snow, trip out of town and personel changes at work. I ended the week just exhausted.

At work, I have met with my new boss both on the trip and after and we still have not accomplished what it is we say we are going to when we meet. I have seen my new cube space, but I still have no definitive answer as to when I will be there full time. Obviously a period when it behooves me to just go with the flow.

The loss of the lead tech has really accelerated the pace of change at the office. Now it's really all over but the shouting - or perhaps I should say it's all over but the ill considered emails. Friday morning one of the young help desk guys was in an uproar from an email that said basically don't touch the servers. Not a good thing. He was beside himself not knowing how he was going to do his job if he can't touch the servers. I fired off an email requesting clarification and that lead to a whole slew of back pedalling emails and phone calls from the powers that be. It's obvious this will not be a painless process.

This weekend I am once again worshiping at the laundry gods. I also ran some errands - once again proving that I can not step in the T@rget without spending $50. Considering I went in there for $10 or less of stuff it was a sign of true talent. I also tried chunking the ice off the driveway. Not a good thing to do right after working out. Man my arms are sore and I didn't even get very far on the driveway either. I did get enough done to allow me to stop and enter the garage slowly, rather than gunning it from halfway back. So I did acheive my goal. I am still trying to figure out how I stressed out my forearms, though.

Still on tap for the day more laundry (whee!), mending (double whee!), and tonight Survivor!

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen