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2004-01-22 - 8:40 p.m.

Zipping by.

I had a whole set of surreal snippets to regale you all with, but somewhere between the am and now they've been lost to the mist that is my memory.

Today's fun at the ancient and venerable bank... Webguy came in and told me he had a talk with the boss. Seems he decided to stop fighting a move to the ops center. Floored the boss completely (heh). When he asked when the move to the ops center would happen he was told "in about 30 days". I allowed as how since that was the standard answer we should start using it for all our deliverables. (When will you finish that web page - in about 30 days.) Now I'm thinking I need to make a game spinner. The sections will be "about 30 days", "within the next 2 weeks", "we're going to have to reschedule that", "as soon as we get a decision from management".

Then we broached an issue that is going to be a source of fun for days to come. Reviews. The organization we used to work for does reviews in January. The new organization does them in October. Except that they didn't do them for us in October. I guess they figured no one would notice their review was 10 months late. So I said flat out that is unacceptable. Unfortunately this was lesserboss so all he said was his standard "I'll look into that".

What explains it all is a brief conversation I had with the EVP we work for. That stands for Executive VP of which there are only 2 or 3 in the bank. Now VP means little, you can't swing a cat in there without hitting a VP. Sr VP is slightly rarer they are the boss level guys. EVP is the big wigs. Ours is a lady. It is rumored that she has gone far in the company based on her "unique talents". I have met people who swear they've seen enough to call that the truth. I asked her how things were going and she said "hanging in, you know how it is". I agreed and she said "I'm just trying to lay low". "How", I asked, "does one do that in your job?" "One of the benefits of being based at the ops center", she replied. So there you have the basic mentality, lay low and hide.

That is so NOT my style.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen