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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2004-01-21 - 8:33 a.m.

My boy.

Strange how fast they grow. How many different phases they go through.

My boy is dressing himself lately. Meaning picking out his own outfits and everything. I was beginning to think this would never happen. He just didn't seem to care. Now I just cringe and bear it. He has better color sense than his father, but only marginally. At least he asks. Of course if he didn't ask because he thought it was perfect together you can't ask him to change. So the maroon shirt goes with the orangy red pants because they're both red. The mended sweatpants are fair game as are the shirts I only use on weekends. My only consolation is that it is a sign he is growing up.

He's developed a strange attraction to armpits. Probably because mine are nose height for him. Plus they have the added benefit of being marginally icky so he gets wicked pleasure in saying he's going to smell my armpits. I told him last night that that's just weird.

I prayed when pregnant that he'd have his father's temperment. As I like to say, though, he got the worst of both of us. He's lazy like his dad. Quick to anger like me. Hard to say if the smarts are there or not.

He has a rich imagination. When he plays his father's computer games (quest type games and Warcraft - not my idea, more like a runaway train started by DH) he makes up dialog for the characters. He even does different voices for them. I know he plays on the computer too much but I swear from the next room it sounds no different from my sister and I playing Barbies as little girls.

He wants us to do things together all the time. The three of us. Actually we are together a lot. We eat 2 meals together at least 5 days a week. We are even home most nights and weekends but we tend to be in different rooms. Bliss for him is the 3 of us engaged in a common activity. Too bad we don't share much in the way of interests.

Finally he always wants the last word. Particularly when you say good night. If I get the last good night in, he always counters with another. His just needs to be last.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen