Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-11-01 - 7:03 p.m.

Quality Time.

Yesterday I cut work early. The boy had an "appointment" and even though it was a birthday party I thought it was worth leaving work for. It was a bit of chaos but fun. The birthday boy's family was very nice. They are from Germany and there were some party differences because of it. The games were telephone, something where you pick a cheeto out of a pile of 5 pounds of flour without your hands(?!), and one where you crawl blindfolded around the floor banging with a wooden spoon until you find the pot with a prize in it (picture 8 7 year olds banging with a wooden spoon). The cake was an amazingly lovely one with yellow cake and cherries in the middle, her boys loved it and all the other little boys ate the top and left the rest. I discovered the boy from down our street really is a hellion just like I thought - after his mom left him, he jumped on the furniture, screamed and threw food. Terribly ill mannered.

Later, the boys trick or treated, but we had fewer kids come by than ever. So I have some cute but not very tasty gum and lots of light up spiders and tootsie pops left. When I was little we sorted candy and traded it and ate it. My boy pours it out, eats a piece then puts it back. I'll probably have to remind him to eat the rest.

Today was errands (like groceries), soccer, and a walk by the river. I told the boy I was going and asked if he'd like to come. At first he said no, but then asked who was coming with me. When I said no one, he decided to come along. So we drove down to the river park and started down the path. We crunched leaves and looked at the trees and talked about how high and fast the river was running. Then came to a place with warning signs. Seems there was some sort of sewage spill they were cleaning up. So we turned around and headed back. We sat on a bench in the sun and my boy said "how romantic". Silly thing. Then he scootched closer and I warned him not to get splinters in his butt. We walked back hand in hand and kicked leaves and talked. He told me he smelled something yummy, like pancakes or waffles or loving mommy. How could I possibly I top that?

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen