Deb's Place


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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-10-01 - 3:02 p.m.

It's all right where I left it.

Funny how when I get busy with something, I can push away all the superfluous bits of my life for the duration so that I can focus. I make my plans and stick pretty close to them. That's how last week was from Sunday to Saturday I had all the things planned, what I had to do and how long I had to do it. Then it was over and now I have to get back to everything else. Quickly.

Sunday I got home from the event and I had to jump right in with laundry and groceries to be ready for the week. Happily the husband took soccer duty (a reschedule of a rained out game). I did laundry and did laundry and did laundry. Toward the end I noticed that something was not quite right with the machinery. I explained it to the husband and said "I'm wondering if I should call the repair guy or just get a new one". He replies "don't anything that yet, wait unit the next laundry day and see how it acts." (Deb, trust your instinct on this one.) I allow as how I have 3 loads of towels left to do and I'll decide when they are done. First load, problem persists. Second load was one too many. Yep, dead. And me stuck with a washer full of water and sodden heavy wet towels. I couldn't get it to budge at all, only thing it will do is fill with water. So I wrung out the towels and dried them and bailed the washer. We decided to punt and get a new one (it's the same vintage as the dryer that had problems over half it's value in June).

Then I decided I really need to go through the papers on my desk - may I just say that people send WAY too much stuff to the PTA. The catalogs, fundraisers and programs that are being hawked are endless. I was cleaning with a purpose. I misplaced a letter inviting me to a meeting and couldn't remember if it was for 10/1 or 10/8. I did the cursory look through things couldn't find it. Disturbing thing, that. I could remember the letter and most of what it said, I just didn't know what I did with it. I ended up emailing the principal - good thing too, the verdict was meeting today, 10/1. Of course last night I found the letter stuck in with the assorted catalogs and such.

I realized in the shower this morning, as my head was buzzing with PTA stuff, that everything is still there. It's been sitting quietly waiting for me to finish what I was doing and now that there's an opening it's all there fighting for my attention again.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen