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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-10-03 - 3:01 p.m.

Little Things

I walked down toward the Harbor at lunch today. I wanted to go to the little mall there in the hotel to a store that carries a couple of things I've been looking for.

As I'm walking I wondered why I stopped my lunch time walks. I know that I don't like walking in the heat, but I stopped long before it was hot and didn't start again when we started these lovely crisp days. There was some amount of guilt involved with all of the doctor appointments I've done this spring. Maybe it just became too much of a chore. But then my shoes were pinching the tops of my toes and the other people on the street just seemed to be walking too close behind me. The shadows were cool and I thought about the spots that probably never get light among the tall buildings. An ambulance came through with the siren bouncing off the walls around me until I could barely stand it, but the light was red and the traffic had no where to go to let it through.

When I got to the mall I was pleased to finally remember to figure out where the elevators are located. I don't mind escalators going up but down is tough, especially when the shoes are bugging me. I head up and up the escalators happily, but the store is gone. So I went to the book store instead and picked some books that I think the boy can read. Nothing for me, though, as I have 3 in progress and 12 or 13 waiting to be read. I come down on the elevator and don't even bother with the Godiva store. That really says something about my mood.

By the time I'm halfway back to the office the pinch in the toes is definitely to the proto-injury stage. It's a shame. These shoes aren't that old, but they just don't seem to be working out. When I reach the office the heat is stifling. We've endured nuclear winter for the entire air conditioning season and now it appears we're heading into mohave for the winter months. I adjust the temp on the thermostat, but I'm pretty well convinced they are just there for show.

Heating and eating my lunch, I decided to read through the instructional materials that came with the new washer. Yeah, yeah, yeah - it's the basics. I wonder if my model has all of the options they mention as I can't remember if I selected one with "Optional Second Rinse" or not. The energy guide is mysterious - how can it use 595 kWh/year US but 839 kWh/year Canadian? Is there an exchange rate for kilowatts?

I'm feeling exceptionally frustrated with work today. I'm being pestered by users that make me crazy, and I have a bad case of Friday to boot. I'm hoping like heck that the check I've been waiting on all week is in the arranged location and my husband brings it in without the dog trampling it or either of them losing it. When I fronted almost $700 for the feast I had no idea it would be this much trouble getting it back. Between soccer & my husband's needs I'm looking at another tedious weekend with no me time. And my shoes are bugging me so how can anything else possibly be right.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen