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2003-06-06 - 7:18 p.m.

Who do ya love?

First Ann was asking questions about who and what is important to us. About love. Then I caught the Friday Five and it was all about love too. Got me to thinking today about love.

How many people do I love? Love is a really sliding thing. One self help book I read insisted that you treat love like a verb. Love people and your life will be better. But thinking from a pickier emotional perspective it's hard to say. I love my siblings but do I really love love them?

Then I read THIS Entry . It's a award winner. Take a minute and read it. It totally changed my definition of love. Who would I walk through fire for? Munchkin. If he were in danger I would help him or die trying. I'd like to believe that I'd help others in similar dire need, but sitting here at this computer now I can only say I'm sure of him.

I like my husband, he's a nice man. He doesn't know me, though, he puts up with me. He doesn't even really try to know me. He doesn't try to make me happy. He did once upon a time, but it's been a long time. He is solid, dependable and does what he's told, but none of that fits my definition of love. My great failing is that I am not a big enough person emotionally to keep loving him anyway. Love is like a garden if you ignore it, you don't get much yield.

Munchie's too small to ignore me or hurt me more than superficially. Maybe someday he'll break my heart too. But right now his momma loves him fierce!

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen