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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-06-05 - 12:12 p.m.

Not one of the girls.

The ladies in the office have walked down the the bead store. They invited me, but I pled too much work to do. Nothing against bead stores I just don't really need to go to one. I don't do beads, I have plenty of things I do other than beads, and I sure don't need to be spending my money on beads I don't need. The most fundamental part of it, though, is that I'm not "one of the girls". I've never been one and I don't really feel the need to start now.

In this office there's a fundamental difference between "the girls" and the professionals. You can tell when the vp (who is pretty conflicted on the topic) goes into "girl mode" and when she goes into "professional mode". Me I've never bothered with "girl mode". I don't need to talk about crafts, kids and where to shop for groceries. I'm not friends with these people, I know just enough about their lives to be pleasant and I really don't want any more than that.

The new lady doesn't get that distinction. She's the anorexic that gave me her whole history a coule weeks ago. She is a talker and a gossiper. I know all about her son with the learning disabilities, all about her daughter's breasts being 2 different sizes, all about everything. And I really don't need or want to know these things. She's got the other lady in "girl mode" too now.

She also doesn't seem to understand that if I don't turn and look when you come in my office (which everyone does because it's shared temporary space and the fridge is here) it's because I'm busy and don't really want to chat. She actss as though I'm expected to engage her in a conversation no matter what I'm doing.

She's also way too interested in what's on my computer screen. Plus today she informed me that she likes to see what I'm eating. Great! The fat girl does not need the office anorexic looking at her food. And I especially do not need to hear her commenting on it.

ARGH! Oh my god, she just came in and offered me the leftovers from her lunch (she only ate half her sandwich). Shoot me now.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen