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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2003-05-15 - 3:42 p.m.

Quiet is good.

It's really hard to write something here when I just know it will be boring as all get out to everyone else that might happen along here. It's really been a quiet week. As my sister is wont to say -- we like quiet, quiet is good.

Tuesday evening I sat down with the lovely Lisette to do an audit of the SCA books. What I liked best about the experience is that she absolutely "gets it". I know, an explanation is in order. Most people look at being treasurer and go ACK! I could never do that it's too complicated. These same people keep a checkbook, many of them even have budgets. They don't get the fact that the job of a non-profit treasurer is basically to keep a checkbook and a budget. It's not really that complicated but it really freaks people out. This lovely lady is not freaked out, she sees it for what it is. I think she'll do a fine job.

Last night was the PTA meeting. Things may or may not get a tad complicated. We didn't get our list of candidates published sufficiently in advance so if someone chooses to be a dick we'll have to wait until Back to School Night for elections. I'd say that couldn't happen, if we hadn't had a dick object to a candidate last year. No big deal, we've got our backup plan and everyone who had the momentary panic calmed right down. There was simply too much on the person handling nominations. We just had the Carnival, which she was in charge of too.

Now that they've accepted me as the candidate for president, I think they'll be a little suprised. Or maybe I will. They think I'm much bolder than I am because I volunteered for somtehing immediately and took an office after 1 meeting. This year, however, I haven't been particularly pro-active. I think they'll be suprised when I exert some control over the group. I have no intention of letting the powerhouse VP overwork herself like before, the group is too dependent on her and she can't seem to extricate herself. I'm thinking I'll do a bit of extricating for her.

So that's about it. The next round of medical prodding for lumpy the thyroid is scheduled for next week. I'll get my glow-in-the-dark pill and have my nodules scanned. Hopefully they will be warm nodules. My in-house expert (who used to do the test for a living) says the fact that there is more than one lump (by my count on the sonogram) is usually a good sign for non-cancerous nodules. If that's the case I will simply have a diagnosis of multi-nodular goiter and need to work on getting the hormones evened out.

Tonight is family torture night ... whee.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen