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2003-05-13 - 4:34 p.m.

Seven Songs.

AOD sets forth the challenge of our personal seven song mix. I don't particularly listen to much music, so I think it will be hard for me. Here goes anyway.

Ballet for a Girl from Buchannan (Chicago) - I listened to Chicago endlessly as a teen and the Ballet is probably cheating since there are multiple songs in it, but it's still my favorite. If I had to pick one of the sub-songs it would probably be 25 or 6 to 4.

Good Vibrations (The Beach Boys) - There was a time where I saw them every year for something like 6 years in a row. It's hard to pick one song of theirs but given a choice this is it.

Birdland (Manhatten Transfer) - Vocal Jazz. My favorite college addiction.

Girls with Guns (Tommy Shaw) - It's not particuarly popular or well know, but hey these are my selections.

End of the World as We Know it (REM) - Appropriately enough it seems this tune has caught me at many of my most life changing moments.

Run-Around (Blues Traveller) & Pinch Me (Bare Naked Ladies) - Just because they are two of my favorite sing in the car at the top of my lungs songs.

Easier than I thought to get seven. I could probably have come up with twice that number if I'd tried. These songs all have hitched themselves to different parts of my life. Still bunches are missing. There's a whole realm of eighties dance music that I love that I skipped. Plus some others that I'd have liked to include just because they are such good butt shakers.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen