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2003-04-25 - 7:35 p.m.

Nest Building

I get a kick out of watching birds build their nests.

The blue jays went to my dogwood tree and just started pulling on twigs. If it broke off they took it. It was like bird powered pruning.

Someone was trying for in or behind the gutters. Not sure if I like that, but also not sure how they could possibly be in the gutters as they have gutter guards on them. The problem is I can't quite tell so I bang on the gutter gently and they come zipping out of shrubs and I'm none the wiser as to where they've been.

The little sparrows at work seem to grab almost their weight in grasses. Then they try to decide where to fly to so you don't notice their destination. That, I already know, is in the lights above the doors.

We once had finches build a nest in our front door decoration. Since we always come in through the garage we didn't notice them until the nest was almost done. I decided to pull the decoration off the door, nest and all, since I didn't really want to accidentally send birdies and eggs flying by just opening my door.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen