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2003-04-16 - 9:40 p.m.

Walkin' and Girl Talk.

I'm still busy as can be at work. It makes the day go fast, but means I can't get the time for an entry. Plus more pestering about piddly stuff when I have enough enormous stuff to keep me right busy.

I've still been making it out for my lunchtime walks, though. Today I really didn't want to go, but I know I'll never make my quota if I don't keep up. I only count walking for the sake of exercise, not any of the general daily walking. I was astonished when I started measuring with the pedometer how much further a mile was than I thought. Gradually, though, my walks have gotten longer. The only limiting factor is time.

I was walking the stadium paths (always good for 2 1/4) and thinking about the weather. It was just a touch on the too warm side and I was really liking the shade and the breeze. There's always wind up by Raven's stadium, I think it's because of the highways on either side. Not much shade, though. I've been remembering my sunglasses, but I may have to get a hat as well.

It got me thinking about weather and microclimates. Actually the first thing I remember wanting to be when I grew up was a meterologist. Not sure why I never pursued it. I still love thinking about airflows and microclimates. I'm particularly enamored of the affect city structures have on airflow. The front of the Ancient & Venerable Bank is a prime example. There's always a strong wind blowing, even on otherwise still days. Not sure why. Just the way the buildings are layed out there.

Ended the day (before this) by dining with the Best Babe. It is a wonderful thing to have an evening of girl talk. From our first jointly spoken sentence it was good. It's nice to have someone who understands my frustrations and joys. No need to explain, we just get to the heart of the matter. Sometimes we draw conclusions and sometimes we just let off steam, but I always feel better for it.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen