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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-10-30 - 2:49 p.m.

Thinking of Ann

I had an unusual dream last night. Unusual because I hardly ever dream and remember it, and because it featured many people I've never met. It was some sort of Diaryland caravan across the country and I dreamed the part where we stopped in to visit Grouse . Grouse, I have to admit that I dreamed you with the wrong glasses, just like the picture.

For some reason this morning that started me thinking about Ann. She was my best friend in college and I haven't heard from her in years. The main mental link there is that Ann is from Wyoming. Her family was there while her dad was working a temporary government posting in WV. She got out of a bum marriage and went home to the folks - only home had been relocated miles away.

They were the best people. They treated me like family. I always felt sad for them because it was so obvious that they just wanted to go home.

She and I were buddies but I graduated first. She had a year to go, but went home for a visit over the summer. She ended up marrying a man she had known before, just like that. I only saw her once after that when they brought the family out to visit her folks. The folks eventually moved back too. We exchanged Christmas cards for a long time, but it just sort of sputtered out.

Hard to think that someone who was so important to me for so many years could be lost so easily. Talk about sad.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen