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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-10-02 - 3:53 p.m.

Work Life.

I suppose the easy answer would just be to say that I need a new job. I'm not sure that's the right answer, though. There are things I like about my job. Plus I hate the whole search process. Still I would love to change a few things.

First I wish people would tell me what's going on around here. I got pulled into a meeting this morning that I had no clue about. And this week I missed out on training I wanted because no one bothered to tell me they had actually set it up.

Second I'm tired of everything being my priority until the next big thing shows up or a big boss whines. The app from hell was a priority. Until they put the untested, test version into production. It still has bugs but now the boss says data for a new system is a priority. Except that the trainers want the training system fixed, rightly. Plus one user has a download he says is broken and he casually says that I should make that a priority. Bah. I've been deciding my own priorities. Hopefully it won't bite me in the butt later.

Third I'm tired of dealing with the incompetent best friend of the princess programmer. She is useless. I need to get the app from hell up and running and quite frankly she is not helping. She complains that the users don't test but she doesn't either. I end up right in the middle.

All in all things aren't too bad I guess. I'm busy but if it's not horrid busy I'd really rather be busy. The atmosphere around here is icky, though. People are complaining about bossman and princess, the new parking company, the big bosses, and frankly anything else they can think of. Sigh.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen