Deb's Place


Our Excellent Hosts
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Moved - 2007-07-16
Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
Moving Up. - 2007-06-19
Pool Membership. - 2007-06-16
Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-07-29 - 7:58 p.m.


It's amazing how little things can tip your plans to completely change how you thought a weekend would be. It's a pattern of dominoes one knocks another, and so on until the carefully laid pattern is flat.

Mine started with a rainy friday. The munchies camp couldn't go to the park and pool so they were stuck at the Tae Kwon Do studio. Without the active distractions the kids teased munchie more and he finally hit his limit, and the other kid as well.

Now as much as the little heathen probably deserved the slap that was applied, the munch had to be punished. Since computer time is the current favorite we took that away. That lead to an evening of tv. TV that he got so involved in that he had a potty accident.

So potty accidents because you couldn't be bothered to move from in front of the tv are punished with no tv. So Saturday was a no tv, limited computer day. I got my gardening in very early (8-11) to avoid the heat and so DH could catch a movie. When I came back from the garden I had a munch who was bored silly. He likes his toys, but really prefers to have the background noise of the tv.

That lead to an afternoon of munchkin board games. 8 or so Thomas the Tank Engine games, a couple rounds of Bob the Builder, followed by a Lego Racers chaser. Poof there goes a Saturday - but really I know it's good for the Munch.

Sunday was supposed to be a trip out with the best babe - the DH movie schedule had been re-arranged to accomodate it. Then I got an early morning call from Sissy telling me that my Vegas relatives would be at her house and 'the pool was open'. Since I will get maybe 2 chances to see them (and it will only be the 3rd time I've seen my grand-neice) we pack up for a trip to the pool.

So all my 'Deb time' became family time.

And I'm sore from the gardening and sporting a rather odd rash on my forearms to boot (undoubtedly contact dermatitis - but I have no idea what I was alergic too). Love those relaxing weekends. At least I can look forward to next weekend - trip to the in-laws. Which means beach!


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"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen