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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-07-12 - 9:32 a.m.

Gratuitous Request for Input.

Ok, I just did another entry but now I need so input from my 11 faithful readers. Please let me know how this sounds to you.

I just got an interoffice mail that tells me that I have been selected to participate in an introductory program where by my employer takes out a life insurance policy on me with them as the beneficiary. I find this highly offensive. Am I over-reacting? Is this a reasonable thing for an employer to do?

The memo says something about funding benefits through this program - uhm, doesn't someone have to die for that to work? This strikes me as really icky. I don't want to sign the consent form. (As in I yelled no way and stuffed it into a file.)

I know I was just reading something about this in the papers. Something about janitor policies. Where companies were insuring everyone. They said that it's fairly common for executives but that the trend was that it was spreading to lower level worker. I'm not sure what the whole reference was, though. Was there some legal problem with it or not? Did anyone else see this in the news?

Geeze, any input is appreciated.

To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen