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Inappropriate Movie Day! - 2007-06-23
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Should I be worried ... - 2007-06-15

2002-06-21 - 1:59 p.m.

Annoyances and Disappointments.

My flower garden seems doomed this year. What the bunnies and chipmunks haven't eaten are apparently in danger from my husband and dog.

I like to check out the plants when I come home. I planted a bunch of wildflower seeds and I like to see what has popped up. The flowers bring me joy, and annoyance too. After all that's how I found out almost all of the flat of pretty little flowers from the front bed had turned into a bunny buffet.

Last night I discovered one of my new paeonies was toast. Totally down on the ground. I had a gerbera daisy that had been doing something similar and it usually bounced back after a good soaking. So I watered.

No dice. It appears done for. I was whining about it to DH and he said that maybe he or the dog had stepped on it. Apparently morning and evening when they walk they traipse straight through the flowers. Now frankly I doubt the dog tromped it - he's pretty low to the ground and it would have been nearly nose height. That leaves DH. Needless to say I went off. I can't understand why they can't use the damn side walk and I told him so.

What it really comes down to is that he has no clue about what's important to me. He doesn't respect the things that I lavish time, money and attention on because he is so self-centered that he doesn't even register my interest in them. It is yet another symptom of the disease that is my marriage.

If the plant doesn't come back, I'm taking the marker with the type and variety and handing it to him. I will tell him "you broke it, you find me another one". Not that I think it will work.


To�� &�� fro

"The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."

-Matthew Thiessen